Board of Trustees

Parent Reps:

Keith Vette (Chair)

Nigel Crockett

Katie Clark

Jared Ward

Board of Proprietors' Reps

Nat Booth

Mason Fitzgerald

Staff Rep:

Rachel Fitches


Neetha Mudhan

4.1 Tasman Bay Christian School (1178) Te Ara Huarau School Profile Report.pdf
Strategic Plan for 2024 / 2025

Board Dates 2023

Term 1: 23 February and 23 March

Term 2: 11 May and 15 June

Term 3: 3 August and 7 September

Term 4: 26 October and 7 December

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Our desire is to have a perfectly functioning school. However, we live in an imperfect world, and sometimes things go wrong. If you have a concern or complaint, we want to hear about it so we can address it appropriately.

Check out the information on the Ministry of Education Website